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Wednesday Night Live

Wednesday Night Live:

will resume January 17, 2024 

Bring the whole family to Wednesday Night Live where our spirits are nurtured by food, fellowship, and faith-building!  At 5:45 pm every Wednesday night we gather in the Davenport Christian Life Center (DCLC) for a delicious meal served by our Hostess Committee.  After dinner there are opportunities to grow spiritually through a variety of small groups offered in the fall, winter, and spring sessions. Classes are from 6:30-7:30 pm.


The cost for dinner is $8/adults; $4/children (11 and younger) $25 family maximum.
Please be sure to make reservations:  Call Laura Alverson at 919-776-2012 by the proceeding Monday. 

If you are interested in volunteering with the Hostess Committee please contact the church office.

WEDNESDAY CLASSES resume January 17!

  1. Mayberry Bible Study. Join us for a 4-week fun Bible study series using themes and episodes from the Mayberry TV show. It will bring lots of laughter, along with reinforcing Christian character. This series will be available January 17-February 7. Each week is a separate episode, so join us when you can.

For more details about classes, contact Laura Alverson at

We Hope to See You There!

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